42 research outputs found

    A Frame Tracking Model for Memory-Enhanced Dialogue Systems

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    Recently, resources and tasks were proposed to go beyond state tracking in dialogue systems. An example is the frame tracking task, which requires recording multiple frames, one for each user goal set during the dialogue. This allows a user, for instance, to compare items corresponding to different goals. This paper proposes a model which takes as input the list of frames created so far during the dialogue, the current user utterance as well as the dialogue acts, slot types, and slot values associated with this utterance. The model then outputs the frame being referenced by each triple of dialogue act, slot type, and slot value. We show that on the recently published Frames dataset, this model significantly outperforms a previously proposed rule-based baseline. In addition, we propose an extensive analysis of the frame tracking task by dividing it into sub-tasks and assessing their difficulty with respect to our model

    Relevance of Unsupervised Metrics in Task-Oriented Dialogue for Evaluating Natural Language Generation

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    Automated metrics such as BLEU are widely used in the machine translation literature. They have also been used recently in the dialogue community for evaluating dialogue response generation. However, previous work in dialogue response generation has shown that these metrics do not correlate strongly with human judgment in the non task-oriented dialogue setting. Task-oriented dialogue responses are expressed on narrower domains and exhibit lower diversity. It is thus reasonable to think that these automated metrics would correlate well with human judgment in the task-oriented setting where the generation task consists of translating dialogue acts into a sentence. We conduct an empirical study to confirm whether this is the case. Our findings indicate that these automated metrics have stronger correlation with human judgments in the task-oriented setting compared to what has been observed in the non task-oriented setting. We also observe that these metrics correlate even better for datasets which provide multiple ground truth reference sentences. In addition, we show that some of the currently available corpora for task-oriented language generation can be solved with simple models and advocate for more challenging datasets

    Pseudointelligence: A Unifying Framework for Language Model Evaluation

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    With large language models surpassing human performance on an increasing number of benchmarks, we must take a principled approach for targeted evaluation of model capabilities. Inspired by pseudorandomness, we propose pseudointelligence, which captures the maxim that "(perceived) intelligence lies in the eye of the beholder". That is, that claims of intelligence are meaningful only when their evaluator is taken into account. Concretely, we propose a complexity-theoretic framework of model evaluation cast as a dynamic interaction between a model and a learned evaluator. We demonstrate that this framework can be used to reason about two case studies in language model evaluation, as well as analyze existing evaluation methods.Comment: EMNLP 2023 Finding

    Parity-detection-based Mach-Zehnder interferometry with coherent and non-Gaussian squeezed vacuum states as inputs

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    We theoretically explore the advantages rendered by non-Gaussian operations in phase estimation using a parity-detection-based Mach-Zehnder interferometer, with one input being a coherent state and the other being a non-Gaussian squeezed vacuum state (SVS). We consider a realistic model to perform three different non-Gaussian operations, namely photon subtraction, photon addition, and photon catalysis on a single-mode SVS. We start by deriving the Wigner function of the non-Gaussian SVSs, which is then utilized to derive the expression for the phase sensitivity. The analysis of the phase sensitivity reveals that all three different non-Gaussian operations can enhance the phase sensitivity under suitable choices of parameters. We also consider the probabilistic nature of these non-Gaussian operations, the results of which reveal the single photon addition to be the optimal operation. Further, our analysis also enables us to identify the optimal squeezing of the SVS and the transmissivity of the beam splitter involved in the implementation of the non-Gaussian operations.Comment: This is the fourth article in a publication series written in celebration of the completion of 15 years of IISER Mohal

    Pushdown Layers: Encoding Recursive Structure in Transformer Language Models

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    Recursion is a prominent feature of human language, and fundamentally challenging for self-attention due to the lack of an explicit recursive-state tracking mechanism. Consequently, Transformer language models poorly capture long-tail recursive structure and exhibit sample-inefficient syntactic generalization. This work introduces Pushdown Layers, a new self-attention layer that models recursive state via a stack tape that tracks estimated depths of every token in an incremental parse of the observed prefix. Transformer LMs with Pushdown Layers are syntactic language models that autoregressively and synchronously update this stack tape as they predict new tokens, in turn using the stack tape to softly modulate attention over tokens -- for instance, learning to "skip" over closed constituents. When trained on a corpus of strings annotated with silver constituency parses, Transformers equipped with Pushdown Layers achieve dramatically better and 3-5x more sample-efficient syntactic generalization, while maintaining similar perplexities. Pushdown Layers are a drop-in replacement for standard self-attention. We illustrate this by finetuning GPT2-medium with Pushdown Layers on an automatically parsed WikiText-103, leading to improvements on several GLUE text classification tasks.Comment: Accepted at EMNLP 2023 (Long Papers

    Grokking of Hierarchical Structure in Vanilla Transformers

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    For humans, language production and comprehension is sensitive to the hierarchical structure of sentences. In natural language processing, past work has questioned how effectively neural sequence models like transformers capture this hierarchical structure when generalizing to structurally novel inputs. We show that transformer language models can learn to generalize hierarchically after training for extremely long periods -- far beyond the point when in-domain accuracy has saturated. We call this phenomenon \emph{structural grokking}. On multiple datasets, structural grokking exhibits inverted U-shaped scaling in model depth: intermediate-depth models generalize better than both very deep and very shallow transformers. When analyzing the relationship between model-internal properties and grokking, we find that optimal depth for grokking can be identified using the tree-structuredness metric of \citet{murty2023projections}. Overall, our work provides strong evidence that, with extended training, vanilla transformers discover and use hierarchical structure.Comment: ACL 202